How to start and maintain a fitness routine

With commentary from Odhran McCorry BSc (Hons) Sports Science - Executive Health Coach and Anni Expert

Starting a fitness routine can be daunting. With vast amounts of information, and misinformation, out there it can be difficult to know where to start.

Particularly, visiting a new gym can be intimidating, especially if you’ve never been. However, starting and maintaining a fitness routine doesn’t have to be hard.

With help from Anni Expert and Executive Health Coach, Odhran McCorry, we dive into how to start a fitness routine and balance your routine with everyday life.

How to overcome the fear of fitness?

If you want to start exercising but are intimidated by visiting the gym or taking part in an exercise class or group, you’re not alone. Nearly half of Australians experience anxiety about exercising in public. However, it is important to know you’re not alone.

“I think everyone has some intimidation in the gym, even when experienced. Where most people go wrong is they turn their intimidation for the gym into a fear that everyone is looking at them or judging them, when that couldn’t be further from the truth,” says Odhran.

“The best thing you can do is show up, because the only way to get comfortable is to be in there. You’ll quickly find no one is judging you and everyone is there to better themselves.”

Another reason you may find yourself avoiding the gym is because of worries about being unfit and the effects of this. But you don’t have to push yourself to the limit to complete a good workout.

“The goal of any training session is about self-improvement and pushing yourself to show up for yourself. If you can do one more rep, one more set, or one more exercise, you’ll continually improve,” Odhran comments.

Odran’s top tips for maintaining a fitness routine:

“Too many people follow unrealistic exercise and restrictive diets, before simply resuming old behaviours thinking they can maintain their lower weight without the habits that got them there,” Odhran advises.

Odhran has offered his tips on how to balance your fitness journey with your life.

“Fitness isn’t a short-term thing. Find an exercise regime you can realistically do three times a week and don’t put an end date on it. Also, find out your why, aka your reason for getting fitter in the first place. Because when our goals are aligned with our values, we are more likely to succeed.”

Want more fitness advice to improve your health?

Odhran can help you achieve your fitness goals, create an individual fitness plan for you and help answer any questions you have.

Book a consultation with Anni Expert Odhran @healthcoach today to walk away with the tools and strategies you need to live a healthier lifestyle, personalised to your goals.

Want to better understand how you can improve your health and diet today? Book a session with an Anni Expert fitness professional now and make this the year you feel energised, stronger and healthier than ever!

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About starting fitness routine:

Starting a fitness routine can be a daunting task, but with the right beginner tips and strategies, it becomes much easier. Begin by setting realistic fitness goals and creating a workout plan tailored to your needs. Incorporate a variety of exercises to keep things interesting and maintain motivation. Consistency is key, so build a schedule that you can stick to. Remember, it's important to start slow and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts. By following these tips, you can develop an effective fitness routine that helps you achieve your health and fitness goals.


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