Do I need 15 minutes or 30 minutes? How to select a consult length?

By Diranne Lee-Renwick, CEO & Anni Co-Founder

A to-do list miles long and not enough hours in the day to get it all done. We’ve all felt it.  

Constantly feeling ‘time poor’ can cause your wellbeing to take a backseat. 

In fact, research shows a quarter of Australians feel like they don’t have time to make face-to-face appointments. 

This is probably because a doctor's appointment, while typically only 10 to 15 minutes long, often takes much longer thanks to travel time and lengthy hold-ups spent  in the waiting room. 

Not to brag, but Anni is an Australian-born revolutionary advice platform designed to bridge the gap between Aussies and Experts by offering human-to-human micro-consults from the comfort of your own home.

So you found an Anni Expert that matches your requirements and want to book an appointment - success! Not sure how long you need for your appointment? 

Here is a quick rundown on how to select the best consult length for your needs.

Anni offers two convenient options: 15 minutes and 30 minutes time-slots tailored to your individual needs.  

What do I need to know about the 15 minute micro-consult?  

A 15-minute consult is intended for specific-problem solving, offering a new idea, or sharing techniques and tips. We love the 15-minute consult option as a regular check in or follow up off the back of an initial appointment. .

For example, if you would like to discuss a particular nutritional deficiency and find out if you need further support or you are a busy mum that needs quick and effective sleep advice then this could be the right one for you.

What do I need to know about the 30 minute micro-consult?

A 30-minute consult is ideal for an initial appointment or in-depth coaching, general advice, or product and service recommendations to suit your lifestyle.. It also allows the Experts more time to go into other areas and really utilise their full expertise and offering.

For example, this could include delving into your current skincare routine or discussing an exercise plan to fit into your current lifestyle.


Rest assured, for either appointment length you’ll have full flexibility to ask the Expert anything related to their expertise. 

You can expect to receive personalised advice and information tailored to your situation and needs - and - you can do so with the confidence in knowing your appointment is completely private and secure. 


Other articles:


Preparing for your Anni appointment and how to make the most of a micro-consult